Purchasing Supplier Ethics

The LVCVA has established standards that include ethical business practices and regulatory compliance. These standards apply to all Authority employees, directors, and officers. Similarly, the Authority expects its suppliers to embrace this commitment to integrity by complying with and training its employees on the Authority Supplier Code of Ethics (Code).
Suppliers and their employees, agents, and subcontractors (collectively referred to as “Suppliers”) must adhere to this Code while conducting business with or on behalf of the Authority. Suppliers must promptly inform their Authority contact when any situation develops that causes the Supplier to operate in violation of this Code. While Authority Suppliers are expected to self-monitor and demonstrate their compliance, the Authority may require the immediate removal of any Supplier representative(s) who behave in a manner that is unlawful or inconsistent with this Code or any Authority policy.
Authority Suppliers must conduct their business interactions and activities with integrity and must, without limitation:


  • Business Records: Honestly and accurately record and report all business information and comply with all applicable laws regarding their completion and accuracy.
  • Press: Not speak to the press on behalf of the Authority.
  • Gifts: Avoid gifts to the Authority employees because even a well-intentioned gift might give the appearance of unethical conduct under certain circumstances, or create conflicts of interest. If offering a meal or entertainment to Authority employees, always use good judgment, discretion, and moderation.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Avoid the appearance of or actual improprieties or conflicts of interests.


The Authority expects its Suppliers to share its commitment to human rights and equal opportunity in the workplace. All Authority Suppliers must conduct their employment practices in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Authority Suppliers are expected to integrate sound health and safety management practices into all aspects of business, and must, without limitation, provide: 


  • A safe and healthy work environment and fully comply with all safety and health laws and regulations.

The Authority recognizes its social responsibility to protect the environment and expects its Suppliers to share its commitment by responding to challenges posed by climate changes and working toward protecting the environment. As a part of this commitment, all Authority Suppliers must, without limitation:


  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Endeavor to reduce or eliminate waste of all types.
  • Obtain, maintain, and keep current all required environmental permits and registrations.

Protection of intellectual property rights is vital. The Authority depends on intellectual property such as information, processes and technology. All Authority Suppliers must, without limitation:


  • Respect and protect the intellectual property rights of all parties by only using information technology and software that has been legitimately acquired and licensed.
  • Protect and responsibly use the physical and intellectual assets of the Authority.
  • Use the Authority-provided information technology and systems (including email) only for authorized Authority business-related purposes.
  • Comply with all the Authority requirements and procedures for maintaining passwords, confidentiality, security and privacy as a condition of providing the Authority with goods or services or receiving access to Authority internal corporate network, systems, and buildings.
  • Comply with the intellectual property ownership rights of the Authority and others.


If you wish to report questionable behavior or a possible violation of the Code, you are encouraged to work with your primary Authority contact. The Authority will maintain confidentiality to the extent possible and will not tolerate any retribution or retaliation taken against any individual who has, in good faith, sought out advice or reported questionable behavior or a possible violation of this Code.
To view the Authority's internal PUR-61 Ethical Purchasing Practices policy, please click here: